Every year AmeriCorps Alums joins people from throughout Connecticut in honoring Martin Luther King Jr's legacy by making MLK Day a day "on," not a day off! We've highlighted just a few of the events taking place across the state -visit http://bit.ly/MLKdayCT2015_EventList for even more! Make sure to tag us on Facebook and on Twitter @AC_AlumsCT so we can share!
Contact: VISTA-alum Jennifer Turner, jenniftu@bridgeport.edu
January 19th, 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM
Join over 300 students and community members to reflect and serve at organizations throughout Bridgeport, Connecticut. Lunch and t-shirt provided. Registration is strongly recommended at https://ubmlkday2015.eventbrite.com/
Hartford - KNOX, Inc and Green Crew AmeriCorps
Contact: AmeriCorps-alum Ericus Adams, ericusa@knoxparks.org
January 19th, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Serve with Green Crew AmeriCorps members and local community gardeners to plant, harvest, and distribute greens to non-profits who serve those in need.
New Haven - Volunteer with Public Allies Connecticut
Contact: PACT-alum Emily Gallagher, emilyg@publicallies.org
January 19th, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Serve alongside current Public Allies and alums at various sites throughout New Haven, including IRIS and Christian Community Action Agency. Contact Emily for more details.
Waterbury - New Opportunities, Inc and ACTS 4
Contact: Joan Neumann, jneumann@newoppinc.org
January 19th, 10:30 AM - 1:00 PM
New Opportunities, Inc. and ACTS 4 will be hosting their annual free clothing distribution drive at the New Opportunities Auditorium in Waterbury (232 N. Elm St).