Hey CT Alums, it's time to mark your calendars!
With AmeriCorps Week just around the corner (March 10th-18th) AmeriCorps Alums Connecticut is planning a full week of service, advocacy, networking and socializing across the state.
Saturday, March 10th from 9am-1pm we're kicking it off with a service project at the Bridgeport Public Library to help prep for an upcoming book fair and their new community garden.
Wednesday, March 14th around lunch time we'll be in Downtown New Haven doing advocacy and helping to get the word out about why AmeriCorps is so important to our country and communities.
Friday, March 16th - there will be a Professional Networking session in New Haven. AmeriCorps Alums CT will be visiting Public Allies Connecticut for their "Continuous Learning Friday" which will focus on Life After AmeriCorps. The leadership team will offer advice on how to utilize the knowledge and skills.
Also Friday at 7pm we'll be in Hartford at the XL Center to socialize and have some fun watching a minor league hockey game between the Bridgeport Sound Tigers and the CT Whale.
Be one of the first to post an "AmeriCorps Works" photo to our group Facebook page and you'll win free tickets to the game! Just print out the picture above that says "AmeriCorps Works" and take a photo of you at your place of work - showing the world that AmeriCorps Works!
Otherwise tickets are available until 3/10 by calling John Reis at 860-728-3366 x37 and telling him you're a CT AmeriCorps Alum!
The theme this year, "AmeriCorps Works", communicates the value and effectiveness of AmeriCorps while providing flexibility to be used in many different contexts. It provides an overarching framework to communicate AmeriCorps triple bottom line return on investment -- for the recipients of service, the people who serve, and the larger community and nation.