As an AmeriCorps member, part of our mission statement was “I will carry this commitment with me this year and beyond.” As AmeriCorps Alums, we take this statement to heart, and are mobilizing for October 22nd's "Make A Difference Day" in Bridgeport,CT.
The following are projects confirmed for the day. We will be partnering with Public Allies and community members:
Operation Hope - Going to 5 properties to clean and prep for winter - mulching, weeding, maybe some painting
Bridgeport Neighborhood Trust - Going out in the Black Rock section of Bridgeport conducting surveys on residents perceptions of lead poisoning, beginning with a 45-minute training from BNT staff
Bridgeport Housing Authority - Going to a community center in low-income housing to restore and paint it so that the residents will be able to rent out the room
Hollander House - Going to an elderly housing complex where work will be divided between staining an outdoor gazebo and spending time with the residents (Spanish and Russian speakers would be ideal here).
YMCA Alpha Community Services - cleaning around some properties in Washington Park
Habitat For Humanity -Working on a House
Here is the Public Allies schedule for the day:
9:00am - meet up at the Burroughs Community Center for check-in
9:30 - split into groups and travel to sites d
9:45 - arrival and introductions
10:00-2:00 - volunteer at sites
2:15 - "working" lunch back at the Burroughs Community Center, we will ask groups to split up and sit with other groups to discuss their experience time
3:30 - group debrief of the day
4:00 - closing out the day and check-out
Please consider volunteering, and send me an email or message through this site if you are interested. There will also be a project sign up on The Make A Difference Day site, however it has not posted yet. I will send out another email with the link when it is up.
We very much encourage Alums to come out and meet each other and volunteer. There are many of you who we have not yet met, but we are very excited to do some community service with you. I'm sure most of you have participated in prior "Make a Difference Day" Projects and remember how rewarding an experience it can be.
Tina Lindstrom,MSW
CT AmeriCorps Alums Chapter Leader
You can also sign up